We’ve just updated our video gallery, check it out on our web site and let us know what you think. Have an… http://fb.me/YaNyIcnH
The Vancouver Sun Run was amazing with over 60,000 participants. The weather was perfect and many very excited people. How did everyone do?
Team V3 is joining with more than 50,000 people in this years 2011 Vancouver Sun Run to help promote health, fitness and community spirit and to support amateur athletics. After the run, come take a look at all the venues and activities next to the finish line. Come … Continue reading
V3 performed at the fund raiser for the Vietnamese Education Society held at the Mulgrave School in West Vancouver on April 16, 2011. The evening was to support BC adoptive families build schools in rural Vietnam. The performance was called “V3 Wedding” which the theme of the evening was a wedding show.
V3 performed at the fund raiser for the Vietnamese Education Society held at the Mulgrave School in West Vancouver on April 16, 2011. The evening was to support BC adoptive families build schools in rural Vietnam. The performance was called “Dua Be” aka “Little Child.” This evening is hosted by Canadian families that have adopted … Continue reading