Community Kitchen – Homelessness Project 6

Posted by on February 2, 2015

Vancouver Vietnamese Community

LNY2015 - HP6
Community Kitchen – Downtown Eastside – Homelessness Project 6

V3 and the Vietnamese Youth Development Program (VYDP) are participating in another Downtown Eastside Homelessness Project. The goals of the project are to bring awareness to the homeless issue in Vancouver and provide positive engagement & volunteer opportunity for Vietnamese youth. This coming Tet (Lunar New Year), we will be making 100+ Tet gift bags to give out to low-income seniors & individuals living in the downtown eastside and Chinatown area. In the spring, V3 & VYDP are planning a BBQ fundraiser to fundraise for the continuum of this project! We hope that a small gesture from our young people will bring a smile to those who are most vulnerable in our community and in return they will bring a smile back to our young people.

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